11 Aug 2015

My first Tiffany

Hi guys,
I´m sending you greetings from Prague. During these days is really hot, right? This is not typical summer in the Czech Republic. So basically people complain here about it all the time. I mean I like when it´s really warm but now it´s maybe too much, also for me.

Anyway, back to the point of this article. Most of girls probably know Tiffany, correct? Last summer when I visited New York City I also went inside Tiffany shop which is located in 5th Avenue. It´s huge, really. I think like 5 floors.

As you probably already know, I´ve got some money (from my family) as a reward for my Master´s degree. I´ve already used some of it for:  

- traveling in Italy
- paying the deposit of my apartment in Prague (I was supposed to buy some handbag but never mind)
- buying a watch by DKNY

And this is my very last gift. First time I´ve noticed beautiful KEYS by Tiffany, was in Italy (Verona) 2 years ago during my friend´s graduation. And I totally fall in love.

My bag from Tiffany shop, located in Pařížská street in Prague.

So, you can imagine what I bought today.

Wait for it.

My stepfather asked me last week: "Why do you want a key??" Well, that´s quite simple, really. My response is: 

- I´ve just finished my University (one door is closing)
- I´ve just started my real job in Prague (another door is opening)

My new key and chain by Tiffany.

This gift- KEY is something like forever. It has a big value for me. I will open and close some doors (life´s chapters) for the rest of my life and this key will always remind me that.

See you later

8 Aug 2015

Pescara- capoluogo d'Abruzzo

I´ve made a stop in city called Pescara because it´s the capital city of Abruzzo region. 5 years ago I made a promise that one day I will visit every capital city in every single region in Italy. And of course, I keep that promise. So, on the way from Bari to Osimo (where my Italian friends live) I´ve visited Pescara.

Something about Pescara
- capital city of region Abruzzo
- more than 120 000 inhabitants
- old part of the city (historical centre)
- new part
- beach
- shopping
Pescara, here I come.

First of all it was very hot and

40 degree

I had to carry all my stuff with me. Not, so good as you can imagine.

One thing I´ve noticed: Everybody has his own bicycle. I always support these things.

You can connect to Wifi for free in the whole city (I needed some information about Pescara).

I like design of this shop.

Few photos from Old part of Pescara.

Yes, I wanna be there too :-)

On the way from old part to the new part (you need to cross the bridge).

Few photos around.

New part of Pescara.

Beautiful church.

Main square.

Tourist information. Yes, there is not any!!

Let´s go to the beach.

One selfie, I know- boring :-)

And this was very last photo of me in Pescara.

I couldn´t enjoy Pescara as much as I wanted because of all those things I had to carry with me. But I´m happy that I´ve made this stop anyway. I can check on my list another "capoluogo".


Recanati as a birthplace of Giacomo Leopardi

Here is the thing. Everybody and I mean really everybody (kids, teenagers, adults) in Italy knows about this little town. Why? Giacomo Leopardi is the reason. Children learn about him at school. Who is this guy? Was my first question.

Something about Giacomo Leopardi
- one of the greatest Italian poets
- 1798- 1837 (he died quite young)
- born in Recanati, region Marche
- his family was very rich and some of his relatives still live in their house- Casa Leopardi
- he read like 10 books per day and spoke many foreign languages- maybe 16? (sorry I forgot about these numbers and Google can´t help me)
- genius

House of Giacomo Leopardi. I was inside the house, but the tour is in Italian language. However highly recommend it.

Everything in this town is dedicated to Leopardi. People here are quite proud of it.

piece of his poetry

He wrote one of his most famous poetry right here, on this place.

Beautiful view.

Main street.

City centre of Recanati.

Main square which is also very beautiful.

I have to admit that this little town called Recanati is really something special. Not only that there is beautiful city centre, views, nature around etc. The most important is and always will be Giacomo Leopardi. I´m not Italian so I don´t know much about him but from what I know, I´m very fascinated by his story. I´ve bought his poetry in Italian language so wish me luck with the translation :-)

Sirolo as a little village with beautiful beach and good ice cream

I don´t even count how many times I´ve been here. It´s very close to Porto Recanati (the place where I was working as a babysitter) so my friend Elisa was taking here all the time by car.

Something about Sirolo
- little village
- located in region Marche
- very good ice cream
- one of the best beaches
- night life

I really enjoy walking in Sirolo during the night.

Me in Sirolo in 2010- 5 years ago.

My friend Alessandra took her friends from Australia to this beach. So, it has to be one of the best, right? :-)

Wait for it.

Here we go.

It´s beautiful, isn´t it? You can see the mountain Monte Conero.

Me in Sirolo this summer.


So, how do you like it? If you go to region Marche and you don´t know which beach to choose, I recommend you go to this one in Sirolo.


3 times in San Benedetto del Tronto

Have you ever heard about San Benedetto del Tronto? It´s located also in region Marche, central Italy. It´s almost incredible but I´ve visited this place already 3 times. How?

What you can find here:
- beautiful beach
- good night life
- sports activities- inline skating etc.. (very good conditions)
- shopping
- very nice promenade

My friend Michaela told me that she will go to San Benedetto del Tronto with her parents for holiday and asked me if I wanna go too.

me in 2004, our hotel
the view from our hotel

I was so young :-)

I was an au-pair in Porto Recanati and during one weekend I took Elisa (it was her first time here) to San Benedetto. I really felt like local :-)

Elisa & me.

Elisa proposed that we can come here during the evening to have some ice-cream and drinks. She knows how much I like this place.

Window shopping:-)

As you probably already know, I love Italian ice-cream very much. I always order also so called "panna" (the cream). Unfortunately this time my "panna" fall down to the street after like 2 minutes. My friends were laughing to me for the rest of the night.

Discovering the city.

Snow white.

Omg, who would believe that the fate will bring me here again?? In 2004 I would never believe that. I think that everything what happens in your life is for some reason. Every choice I have made in my life lead to this moment, to this particular place. It´s incredible, isn´t it?