2 Aug 2016

Dinant as a romantic place with citadel, church and Meuse

I´m gonna start with this: "Dinant is one of those places, you need to visit in Belgium". It´s actually quite small but full of surprise. You don´t need to spend here the whole day (but of course you could). But there are definitely some breathtaking views..

A few facts:
- Namur province (30 km from Namur)
- Meuse river
- Antoine-Joseph Sax hometown, the inventor of the saxophone 
- citadel (hiking or cable car)
- main language: French
-  you can rent a boat

To get into the city by car was a bit challenge.

If you have more time, you can rent a boat. Unfortunately, we didn´t. We arrived late afternoon.

The statue of saxophone made from ice.

 Collegiate Church Notre-Dame is very beautiful gothic building. I´m impressed. Do you see the citadel behind?

Inside the cathedral.

They are really proud of their inventor. You can find saxophones everywhere on this bridge. I think it´s quite admirably.

We were so hungry. This Italian restaurant was full of people (situated along the river). The service was perfect. Only pizza wasn´t so much great. I mean, I was ok. My boyfriend on the hand didn´t feel very good.

This place is quite romantic.

Place of Justice- very beautiful old building.

You can go for a walk to see this tower. Unfortunately we didn´t have time which is pitty, really.

Do you see how every monument is described even in like 5 languages? I think that´s amazing for tourists. You won´t find in everywhere (I mean not in every other city).

Local houses.

Look at this last photo and tell me that Dinant is not worth for a visit :-)

I just wish we had more time to explore.


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