31 May 2015

Trip to Bagheria

I´m still writing articles about places in Sicily. I wanna tell you about all those citties I had a chance to visit and perhaps motivate you to come to Sicily one day. I´m studying hard for my exams. So my life isn´t that interesting at the moment anyway..

So, why Bagheria? Two years ago when I went to Sicily I remember that one guy from the party told me he comes from this city. And somehow I couldn´t forget it. Then I´ve found a mention about Bagheria in my guidebook. So, it was decided. Now unfortunately I couldn´t read any more information about this city because I had forgotten my guidebook about Sicily at home.

What do I think about Bagheria? First let me tell you this. When I travel I want to find in every city 2 things: the square and the church. Well, in my opinion you won´t find many nice squares in Bagheria. So, from this point of view I´m a little bit disappointed. On the other hand you can find plenty of nice churches there.

Here are some facts:
- 15 km from Palermo
- population over 50 000
- very popular among aristocratic families from Palermo (until the 19th century)
- lots of famous villas

This city is full of villas.
Villa Aragona

Villa Palagonia is the most famous villa in Bagheria (from 1705).

Villa Palagonia
Local road.

I can´t help myself but I like these kind of streets and always taking photos.

Modern church.

And that´s how their square looks like...

It´s not so nice, is it?

This is my favourite view. I can imagine sitting here, looking at the church and doing nothing...

Chiesa Madre di Bagheria.

Of course I had to ask somebody to take a photo.

Piazza Vittorio Emanuele III.

Honestly, who would you recognize me?? I wouldn´t.

Chiesa delle Anime Sante del Purgatorio (my favourite church).

Via Corso Umberto I.

This street is full of shops.

Two monumental pillars (Villa Palagonia) in Corso Umberto I.

Random beautiful old building.

The nature in Bagheria.

I want to be on the photo as well :-)

And that´s it guys. So, what do you think about Bagheria? Is it worth it or not?

Ci vediamo dopo

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