17 Sept 2018

Mikulov as a small beautiful town in the heart of Palava in Moravia - wine, castle, views, quarry

After visiting Lednice - Valtice Cultural Landscape, our next stop was Mikulov. It takes less than 30 minutes by car. It is small beautiful town in the centre of Palava area which could be something like Tuscany in Italy. When I climbed at the top of the hill and looked at that view of the whole town, it reminded me Czech Krumlov which is in Unesco and second most visited place in the Czech Republic. I believe that Mikulov has something to offer you as well.

A few facts
... surrounded by vineyards
... centre of Palava area
...  chateau
... the Holy Hill - the best view over the city
... quarry 
... restaurant by famous chief Marcel Ihnacak

A few photos

In my opinion this is one of the best restaurants in the Czech Republic. Nice people, famous chief, good prices and it is all delicious - restaurant in Hotel Tanzberg by Marcel Ihnacak.

 Never forget: "You´re awesome".


Lednice - Valtice Cultural Landscape as an UNESCO in Moravia - chateau and wine

We decided with my friends that we will organize some low cost weekend in the Czech Republic. We always travel around the world but almost never here. And there are so many beautiful places to explore. This time we chose Lednice - Valtice Cultural Landscape and town Mikulov.

A few facts
- South of Moravia
- chateau in Lednice and Valtice - UNESCO
- parks
- other monuments for instance: minaret or Rendez-vous, also called the Dianin Temple

A few photos

No, Zajo brand doesn´t pay me anything for their promotion. I support the brand because I believe in it and I can highly recommend it. Zajo is not very common brand in the Czech Republic, but it is popular in Slovakia where it comes.

Lednice - chateau.

Inside the chateau - trully beautiful but we had to wait for it like 3 hours. It was totally sold out.


Valtice - chateau.

Rendez Vous.


Bohunka & Tyna & Misa & Terka - we are all friends from W&T programme in the U.S.


Karlovy Vary as the most famous spa town in the Czech Republic

There is an article in Chinese which recommends top 10 places in the Czech Republic to visit. City of Karlovy Vary is one of them. So, when my friend Jasmine came to visit me, it was on her bucket list.

It is crazy but this year I visited Karlovy Vary 3 times. First time with Jasmine as a tourist, second time due to my job - I organize an event Roadshow in Grandhotel Pupp and third time I organized a golf tournament.

A few facts
... founded by King and Emperor Charles IV.
... one of the most famous spa towns in Europe
... many colonnades
...healthy water for free
... the most fasmous hotel in the Czech Republic - Grandhotel Pupp
... well known for glass as well as golf 
... popular among Russian tourists

A few photos from my visit as a tourist

A bit of gastronomy

Spa wafers


My new favourite Italian restaurant called Palermo.

Famous cake from Grandhotel Pupp.

We are going at the top of the hill by cable car to see the whole city.

Jasmine is one of my closest friends and I love travelling with her. We really had a great time in Karlovy Vary. I would say that everyone should visit this place at least once.

A few photos from golf tournament and the view from Grandhotel Pupp.

I totally love this view of Karlovy Vary.
