On Sunday I didn´t plan to visit Brussels. However I had to wait in the airport for like 10 hours anyway so why not to see at least city center? Actually at the end it was more like 7,5 hours because the airplane from the U.S. was delayed. Do you know why? Well, one member of the crew didn´t come..
I have few very good friends in Belgium. Unfortunately Jonathan and Cynthia don´t live in Brussels but in Antwerp. So I didn´t have a chance to see them. Thus I have to go to Antwerp another time. It´s ok for me :-)
If I say Brussels probably the first thing that you would know about this city is that it´s kind of Centre of the European Union.
There was a demonstration.
Royal Palace.
Look how many stuff I had to take with me. Yes, it was quite annoying. Of course, I bought someting in the JFK airport (New York City). I always buy at least bottle of wine for my parents. This one was the most expensive I have ever bought and at the same time the cheapest wine in the airport. I also couldn´t resist Victoria Secret´s as you can see.
Church Notre Dame de Sablon.
Local streets.
People are outside and sitting in Cafes during Sunday afternoons. Love it.
Of couse, I had to try waffle. I paid around 2 euros which is not bad. I had like 4 euros in my wallet so my budget was obvious.
my waffle with nutella |
Buildings on the square Grande-Palace.
The art in the streets.
And finally Me and Manneken Pis. Basically a small boy who pees into the fountain. It´s one of the symbols of Brussels.
And that´s it about Brussels. I like this city and I think that one day I will be back. Hopefully next year.
There is one more thing. Day after I made a job interview in Liberec. I was quite sleepy and my potencial boss asked me questions like: What would you improve in the E.U.? Do you agree with euro? Have we already settled on a date for accepting the euro in the Czech Republic? Who is the representative from the Czech Republic in the European Commission? etc. etc.
Guess what? I was succesful and next week I am gonna start my new 4 months internship in Eurocentrum which is like an information center about European Union. Wish me luck.
See you later