26 May 2014

My exam period is official over now.

Hi guys.
I am really sorry for the absence of my writing but I have been really busy lately. Today I just have passed the most difficult exam at my university. Sure, next year I am gonna have another one which is as important as this one. Anyway, I don´t wanna see those graphs from Economics any more. I am so happy that it´s just over now. So, finally my holidays can start.

I wanna show you how it looks like at my place during every exam period.

So, firstly you need to drink something.

 There is no way I could ever possibly open these books again.

Then you need someone who is gonna study with you...

When I got some important exam I always write with these pens. One is from my mother and another one was a gift from my friends before I left to England.

And finally what was I wearing today? Well, this is my lucky jacket (I did the school leaving examination in this particular jacket 5 years ago). It´s from some boutique in Poland.

So, for this semester I am done. On wednesday I am going to Prague. I will let you know later how it goes.
See you later than.